Pinch Hit for Pareto
Major league baseball misuses the 80/20 rule, suggesting heretical potential changes on extra-inning games, which might drive length of extra-inning games but not affect other games.
Major league baseball misuses the 80/20 rule, suggesting heretical potential changes on extra-inning games, which might drive length of extra-inning games but not affect other games.
The value of the PDCA (plan/do/check/act) cycle is explained by George Taninecz as it relates to his yearly gardening strategy.
Occasionally we all need to do what we’ve never done before, what we’ve never even considered before and embrace revolutionary change personally and within our organizations.
By George Taninecz I’ve had the pleasure to know and support talented individuals who worked within the corporate and operations brain trust of Toyota, were guided by Toyota legends, emulated the practices of Toyota in their own companies, and/or devoted distinguished careers to studying and communicating Toyota concepts. One common denominator of continuous improvement appears in all of their work — a perpetual cycle of coaching and mentoring that over time creates a culture of problem solvers and change makers who seek to better themselves, their colleagues, and their organizations. Although I have never worked at Toyota — or, [...]