John Brandt

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About John Brandt

An experienced CEO, journalist, and researcher, John R. Brandt is the CEO of The MPI Group, a global management research firm, and the former editor-in-chief and publisher of both Chief Executive and IndustryWeek Magazines. He is also the founder and CEO of Auto(in)correct, a greeting card company. He can be reached at
14 06, 2023

    The Power (and Peril) of Parenting in the Workplace

    By |2023-06-14T17:15:14+00:00June 14th, 2023|Humor|Comments Off on The Power (and Peril) of Parenting in the Workplace

      By John Brandt with Jenny Sherman When I was as Editor-in-Chief at IndustryWeek (IW) magazine, my kids were toddlers.  And as anybody with kids will tell you, toddlers resemble nothing more than tiny, hilarious drunks, but with significantly less common sense. They survive for two reasons: parents who worry obsessively about them, and the fact that they mysteriously bounce, instead of break. This means that most parents — including me — live through a terrifying stage of life during which we continuously invent endless scenarios of all the ways our lurching progeny might hurt themselves, even as [...]

    13 02, 2018

      Exciting and Terrifying: MPI CEO John Brandt speaks on Manufacturing Tomorrow

      By |2018-02-13T21:29:11+00:00February 13th, 2018|Internet of Things, John R. Brandt, Manufacturing|Comments Off on Exciting and Terrifying: MPI CEO John Brandt speaks on Manufacturing Tomorrow

      Listen in to MPI CEO John Brandt as he talks about the future of manufacturing on Ohio State University’s Manufacturing Tomorrow Podcast:

      30 11, 2017

        MPI’s Internet of Things Profit Report

        By |2020-10-01T20:37:05+00:00November 30th, 2017|Internet of Things, John R. Brandt, The MPI Internet of Things Study|Comments Off on MPI’s Internet of Things Profit Report

        This report looks at how manufacturers are benefiting from the IoT and the strategies deployed to successfully embed technology into products for growth and profits.

        5 09, 2017

          The Curious Case of the Warehouse Stuck in 1987

          By |2017-09-05T19:59:21+00:00September 5th, 2017|Distribution, John R. Brandt, Logistics, MPI Distribution & Logistics Study, Operations Improvement|Comments Off on The Curious Case of the Warehouse Stuck in 1987

          It’s a mystery worthy of a logistics-minded Sherlock Holmes: Why don't distribution executives want their warehouses to get better?