
5 09, 2017

    The Curious Case of the Warehouse Stuck in 1987

    By |2017-09-05T19:59:21+00:00September 5th, 2017|Distribution, John R. Brandt, Logistics, MPI Distribution & Logistics Study, Operations Improvement|Comments Off on The Curious Case of the Warehouse Stuck in 1987

    It’s a mystery worthy of a logistics-minded Sherlock Holmes: Why don't distribution executives want their warehouses to get better?

    14 07, 2017

      Profit Leaks Plague Distribution Sector

      By |2020-10-01T20:30:42+00:00July 14th, 2017|Distribution, John R. Brandt, Logistics, MPI Distribution & Logistics Study, Supply chain|Comments Off on Profit Leaks Plague Distribution Sector

      The MPI Distribution & Logistics Study suggests that manufacturers, distributors, and retailers are losing millions of dollars annually — simply because their distribution centers and warehouses haven't implemented easy–to-use strategies.