Thought Leadership: Newbies and Imbeciles
Stand out from the crowd by focusing on making your thought leadership three things: Intriguing, In-depth, and Independent. Also: don’t be an Idiot.
Stand out from the crowd by focusing on making your thought leadership three things: Intriguing, In-depth, and Independent. Also: don’t be an Idiot.
by Alec Pendleton What do you measure in your business? Too often, the answer is: The wrong stuff. Many leaders simply look at the numbers their accountants or software give them, without asking: What do I really need to monitor, so that we have opportunities for improved operations — and higher profitability? Paradoxically, when devising measurements to manage by, it’s typically a good first step to decide what NOT to measure. A great example of this can be found in retailing. A retailer doesn’t create value by manufacturing a product. Instead, a retailer creates value by having the right [...]
It doesn’t seem to matter who publishes it, whether a big accounting or consulting firm, or a leading IT company. And it doesn’t much matter if it’s a white paper, a blog, an assessment tool, a LinkedIn post, or a tweet. Most thought leadership — which collectively costs billions of dollars to develop and distribute — seems crafted not to engage and not to offend. It’s just another checked box on the annual marketing plan. Here’s a typical example (fill in the blanks as you wish): In 2016, [choose from “leading, “savvy,” or “smart”] executives in the [insert economic [...]