
11 12, 2018

The (Occasional) Wisdom of Inefficiency

By |2018-12-11T19:36:00+00:00December 11th, 2018|Alec Pendleton, Big Ideas for Small Companies, Business, Customer Service, Leadership, People, Small Business Advice|Comments Off on The (Occasional) Wisdom of Inefficiency

By Alec Pendleton, Big Ideas for Small Companies, powered by The MPI Group Many leaders think they know the Magic Bullet for Maximum Success: Efficiency! If only we could do everything in our lives with superior efficiency, they believe, all sorts of wonderfulness would be sure to follow. Profits would surge! Competition from China and elsewhere would dwindle! Our standard of living would soar! What could possibly go wrong? Well, actually … quite a lot. The Theory of Constraints, described by Eliyahu Goldratt in The Goal — one of the best business books I’ve ever read — makes it clear [...]

19 10, 2018

Happiness is Control (unless you don’t have it!)

By |2018-10-19T17:01:17+00:00October 19th, 2018|Alec Pendleton, Business, Growth, Leadership|Comments Off on Happiness is Control (unless you don’t have it!)

By Alec Pendleton, Big Ideas for Small Companies, powered by The MPI Group Early in my career, I had the good fortune to attend seminars led by the late Leon Danco, a noted consultant to family businesses. He had particular skill — and took particular delight — in waking up scions to the realities of life in a family company, and in urging them to upgrade their management skills. A master storyteller, he often underscored points with memorable quips that stuck with his charges for decades. One of his favorites was: “Happiness is Control” — a critical point for [...]