A One-Handed Economist was a guest on National Public Radio’s IdeaStream earlier this month. Click here to listen to Tony Ganzer interview Ned Hill, A One-Handed Economist, on the affect of Trump’s proposed changes to NAFTA on business in Ohio.
Ohio Business Waiting And Watching For Trump Moves On NAFTA
By Ned Hill|2017-03-17T17:36:54+00:00March 17th, 2017|Business, Ned Hill, One-Handed Economist, The Economy|Comments Off on Ohio Business Waiting And Watching For Trump Moves On NAFTA
About the Author: Ned Hill

As A One-Handed Economist, Ned Hill provides straight talk on business and markets to industry leaders looking for a new perspective. Dr. Hill is Professor of Public Administration and City & Regional Planning at The Ohio State University's John Glenn College of Public Affairs and a member of the College of Engineering’s Ohio Manufacturing Institute. He came to OSU after serving as Dean of the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs and Professor and Distinguished Scholar of Economic Development at Cleveland State University. He has also been editor of Economic Development Quarterly and Chair of the National Advisory Board of the Manufacturing Extension Partnership. The Ohio Manufacturers Association’s Board of Directors presented Mr. Hill with the Legacy Award in 2005 and again in 2016 for his work on behalf of Ohio’s manufacturers. He earned his Ph.D. in both urban and regional planning and economics from MIT, and now teaches the doctoral seminar in public economics in the Glenn College as well as classes in economic development and state and local public policy at the Glenn College and OSU’s City and Regional Planning program.