MPI Blog2025-02-18T15:04:54+00:00

Doing the Gemba Walk for Digital Profits

If you know lean, you’re already familiar with the “gemba walk” (quick refresher: the Toyota/lean idea of “going to the gemba” means to observe the work in the actual place where it happens). The Digital Transformation for Manufacturers project (an MPI collaboration funded by the U.S. Department of Commerce) has everything you need to know about how to take a gemba walk that helps your company become the digital leader it was born to be. How? By deepening focus: as [...]

By |November 7th, 2022|Lean, Manufacturing, Process Improvement|

The New Math of Manufacturing

Come with me, for a moment, to the plant floor of the well-respected (albeit fictional) drill manufacturer, Grunnings. Plant Manager Vernon Dursley is evaluating his energy costs — and finds the recent increases to resemble nothing so much as bad witchcraft. As his complexion turns an unpleasant shade of purple, his Assistant Manager chimes in: “Look, it’s painful, but energy is overhead — we just have to bite the drill bit and write a check.” And so it was, for [...]

By |October 17th, 2022|Innovation, Next Generation Manufacturing, Strategy|

The Curious Case of the Small Business (Q&A)

MPI Insight sat down with MPI CEO John Brandt to talk about the challenges and opportunities for small business owners right now, and to spotlight case studies in performance improvement excellence with a small team. MPI Insight: In your writing, you always make a point to use case studies from small businesses, often with 20 employees or fewer. Why do you make a habit of focusing on small business? John: Many times if you’re learning about a business concept or how a [...]

By |September 30th, 2022|Interview, John R. Brandt, Small Business Advice|

Bringing Change Management to Life: An Interview with George Taninecz

Performance Improvement expert and MPI’s VP of Research George Taninecz on the art of the huddle, the role of lean in healthcare, and his new change management novel, Winning Innovation. MPI Insight: George, you’ve spent your career as a student of performance improvement, in particular lean manufacturing. You had a front row seat to the advent of lean in manufacturing while you were an editor at IndustryWeek and then you eventually became a partner and VP of Research at The [...]

By |August 23rd, 2022|George Taninecz, Healthcare, Leadership, Process Improvement|

Getting Out of the Customer Free-Zone: An Interview with John R. Brandt

The CEO of The MPI Group shares practical advice for putting the focus on process. MPI Insight: When companies are looking at making big improvements, innovation tends to take the focus at the expense of process. Why do you think that is? And what’s lost by ignoring process? John: Innovation's fun! Who doesn't want to create something new and exciting and be lauded around the world as the genius who came up with this for the first time ever? (Which is [...]

By |August 8th, 2022|Customer Service, Interview, John R. Brandt, Process Improvement|

Mediocrity, Malaise, and Mismanagement

Why aren’t you paying attention to your manufacturing business? After nearly two decades of research on manufacturers, you might think that MPI could report  that documented best practices — benchmarking, training, etc. — are now common everywhere, driving massive performance improvements around the world. Alas, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, our MPI 2021 Manufacturing Study found many manufacturers struggling with — or outright failing at — the basics of improvement. It goes without saying that [...]

The Customer as Victim

I’m going to give you a scene, then ask you to tell me whether it was from a hidden-camera comedy program or modern corporate America: A shopper in the parking lot of a big-box retailer looks at the price of a product on her phone, a reasonable $69.99. As she walks into the store, however, the price shown on the app jumps to $99.99. When she walks back out, it reverts to $69.99. Bewildered, she shakes her head and gets [...]

Lordstown Family Feud

After releasing The Trade Skirmish of 2018, a policy report on the early evidence on the economic effects of the tariff actions by the U.S. and global retaliation ( in April, I was asked to referee a family feud.  What follows is an edited version of the question and an expanded version of my answer. Good morning Mr. Hill, I am trying to understand what factors led GM to close the plant in Lordstown, Ohio. My cousin and I argue [...]

By |July 30th, 2019|Business, Manufacturing, Ned Hill, One-Handed Economist|

Disruptive Technologies Offer Major Opportunities — and Headaches — for Manufacturers

New study finds some manufacturers are ready to leverage cutting edge technologies — while others fall behind New research finds that manufacturing leaders are worried about disruptive technologies — robotics, artificial intelligence, additive manufacturing, and analytics — and yet few are doing much about it. The MPI Disruptive Technologies in Manufacturing Study surveyed more than 400 executives at manufacturing companies around the globe and found that: 88 percent report that their industries and markets are vulnerable to disruptive technologies (29 [...]

Life Cycles of the (Not-So) Rich and (Formerly) Famous

Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world and the founder of Amazon, recently predicted to a group of employees that “Amazon will go bankrupt.” He was reflecting on the recent bankruptcy of Sears, which not that long ago was as formidable as Amazon is today. “If you look at large companies,” he said, “their lifespans tend to be 30-plus years, not a hundred-plus years.” I know what you’re thinking: That doesn’t seem right. Large companies have enduring strength. Massive [...]

The (Occasional) Wisdom of Inefficiency

By Alec Pendleton, Big Ideas for Small Companies, powered by The MPI Group Many leaders think they know the Magic Bullet for Maximum Success: Efficiency! If only we could do everything in our lives with superior efficiency, they believe, all sorts of wonderfulness would be sure to follow. Profits would surge! Competition from China and elsewhere would dwindle! Our standard of living would soar! What could possibly go wrong? Well, actually … quite a lot. The Theory of Constraints, described [...]

The Profitable Magic of Transparency

By Alec Pendleton, Big Ideas for Small Companies, powered by The MPI Group I recently bought a used car for my daughter. I expected it to be unpleasant — because car-shopping, whether new or used, has always been a notoriously one-sided affair, with sellers having much more information than buyers, and rarely disclosing enough to level the playing field. Even in our digital age, with access to CarFax reports, dealer costs, etc., I always feel that there’s something that I [...]

Doing the Gemba Walk for Digital Profits

If you know lean, you’re already familiar with the “gemba walk” (quick refresher: the Toyota/lean idea of “going to the gemba” means to observe the work in the actual place where it happens). The Digital Transformation for Manufacturers project (an MPI collaboration funded by the U.S. Department of Commerce) has everything you need to know about how to take a gemba walk that helps your company become the digital leader it was born to be. How? By deepening focus: as [...]

By |November 7th, 2022|Lean, Manufacturing, Process Improvement|

The New Math of Manufacturing

Come with me, for a moment, to the plant floor of the well-respected (albeit fictional) drill manufacturer, Grunnings. Plant Manager Vernon Dursley is evaluating his energy costs — and finds the recent increases to resemble nothing so much as bad witchcraft. As his complexion turns an unpleasant shade of purple, his Assistant Manager chimes in: “Look, it’s painful, but energy is overhead — we just have to bite the drill bit and write a check.” And so it was, for [...]

By |October 17th, 2022|Innovation, Next Generation Manufacturing, Strategy|

The Curious Case of the Small Business (Q&A)

MPI Insight sat down with MPI CEO John Brandt to talk about the challenges and opportunities for small business owners right now, and to spotlight case studies in performance improvement excellence with a small team. MPI Insight: In your writing, you always make a point to use case studies from small businesses, often with 20 employees or fewer. Why do you make a habit of focusing on small business? John: Many times if you’re learning about a business concept or how a [...]

By |September 30th, 2022|Interview, John R. Brandt, Small Business Advice|

Bringing Change Management to Life: An Interview with George Taninecz

Performance Improvement expert and MPI’s VP of Research George Taninecz on the art of the huddle, the role of lean in healthcare, and his new change management novel, Winning Innovation. MPI Insight: George, you’ve spent your career as a student of performance improvement, in particular lean manufacturing. You had a front row seat to the advent of lean in manufacturing while you were an editor at IndustryWeek and then you eventually became a partner and VP of Research at The [...]

By |August 23rd, 2022|George Taninecz, Healthcare, Leadership, Process Improvement|

Getting Out of the Customer Free-Zone: An Interview with John R. Brandt

The CEO of The MPI Group shares practical advice for putting the focus on process. MPI Insight: When companies are looking at making big improvements, innovation tends to take the focus at the expense of process. Why do you think that is? And what’s lost by ignoring process? John: Innovation's fun! Who doesn't want to create something new and exciting and be lauded around the world as the genius who came up with this for the first time ever? (Which is [...]

By |August 8th, 2022|Customer Service, Interview, John R. Brandt, Process Improvement|

Mediocrity, Malaise, and Mismanagement

Why aren’t you paying attention to your manufacturing business? After nearly two decades of research on manufacturers, you might think that MPI could report  that documented best practices — benchmarking, training, etc. — are now common everywhere, driving massive performance improvements around the world. Alas, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, our MPI 2021 Manufacturing Study found many manufacturers struggling with — or outright failing at — the basics of improvement. It goes without saying that [...]

The Customer as Victim

I’m going to give you a scene, then ask you to tell me whether it was from a hidden-camera comedy program or modern corporate America: A shopper in the parking lot of a big-box retailer looks at the price of a product on her phone, a reasonable $69.99. As she walks into the store, however, the price shown on the app jumps to $99.99. When she walks back out, it reverts to $69.99. Bewildered, she shakes her head and gets [...]

Lordstown Family Feud

After releasing The Trade Skirmish of 2018, a policy report on the early evidence on the economic effects of the tariff actions by the U.S. and global retaliation ( in April, I was asked to referee a family feud.  What follows is an edited version of the question and an expanded version of my answer. Good morning Mr. Hill, I am trying to understand what factors led GM to close the plant in Lordstown, Ohio. My cousin and I argue [...]

By |July 30th, 2019|Business, Manufacturing, Ned Hill, One-Handed Economist|

Disruptive Technologies Offer Major Opportunities — and Headaches — for Manufacturers

New study finds some manufacturers are ready to leverage cutting edge technologies — while others fall behind New research finds that manufacturing leaders are worried about disruptive technologies — robotics, artificial intelligence, additive manufacturing, and analytics — and yet few are doing much about it. The MPI Disruptive Technologies in Manufacturing Study surveyed more than 400 executives at manufacturing companies around the globe and found that: 88 percent report that their industries and markets are vulnerable to disruptive technologies (29 [...]

Life Cycles of the (Not-So) Rich and (Formerly) Famous

Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world and the founder of Amazon, recently predicted to a group of employees that “Amazon will go bankrupt.” He was reflecting on the recent bankruptcy of Sears, which not that long ago was as formidable as Amazon is today. “If you look at large companies,” he said, “their lifespans tend to be 30-plus years, not a hundred-plus years.” I know what you’re thinking: That doesn’t seem right. Large companies have enduring strength. Massive [...]

The (Occasional) Wisdom of Inefficiency

By Alec Pendleton, Big Ideas for Small Companies, powered by The MPI Group Many leaders think they know the Magic Bullet for Maximum Success: Efficiency! If only we could do everything in our lives with superior efficiency, they believe, all sorts of wonderfulness would be sure to follow. Profits would surge! Competition from China and elsewhere would dwindle! Our standard of living would soar! What could possibly go wrong? Well, actually … quite a lot. The Theory of Constraints, described [...]

The Profitable Magic of Transparency

By Alec Pendleton, Big Ideas for Small Companies, powered by The MPI Group I recently bought a used car for my daughter. I expected it to be unpleasant — because car-shopping, whether new or used, has always been a notoriously one-sided affair, with sellers having much more information than buyers, and rarely disclosing enough to level the playing field. Even in our digital age, with access to CarFax reports, dealer costs, etc., I always feel that there’s something that I [...]