MPI Blog2025-02-18T15:04:54+00:00

What’s Working? Who’s Winning? The 2025 MPI Manufacturing Study Will Tell All

If you or your clients need deep insight into global manufacturing metrics, you’ll get it in the 2025 MPI Manufacturing Study. The MPI Group has been conducting this Study since 2003, amassing one of the world’s premier databases of plant-level data. The Study offers insights into best practices and performance metrics across human resources, operations, supply chain, capacity/equipment/IT, sustainability, and other strategic functions. More than 20 different manufacturing sectors are surveyed via respondents in North America, Europe, and Asia, from [...]

Can Original Business Research Help You Boost Revenues and Profits?

You and your company have set goals for 2025 — but a month in, it’s already clear that 2025 will be a year like no other. Questions swirl around how tariffs and other trends will affect supply chains, consumers, and markets. Longstanding business relationships and practices continue to evolve. And generative artificial intelligence (AI) — or at least hope and fear about AI — is everywhere. But one thing remains constant: Your customers are looking for management and market guidance. [...]

By |February 18th, 2025|Growth, Leadership, Profit Margin, Thought Leadership|

Why Research Has Become Indispensable for Associations

  Associations need to launch new products and services to attract and retain members — and drive revenue — even as pressure increases on association leaders to do more with less.    John Brandt, CEO of MPI Group, explains how data can successfully guide associations through this challenging time in the on-demand webinar, Turning Insights into Impact: How Associations Use Data to Drive Revenue.  “Data is essential because it provides clarity,” Brandt says. “It helps you understand what’s working with members — and [...]

By |February 4th, 2025|Leadership, Profit Margin, Thought Leadership|

AI in Manufacturing: What Your Machines Can Teach… Your Other Machines

What’s the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in Industry 4.0? It’s not easy to answer. AI isn’t a single technology; it’s better described as a broad field of inquiry into the development of machines that solve problems normally solved by human intelligence (along with problems we can’t solve!). For Industry 4.0, the AI innovation with the most impact (so far) is machine learning (ML). What is ML? ML algorithms create models based on historic data that return accurate predictions when [...]

The Power (and Peril) of Parenting in the Workplace

  By John Brandt with Jenny Sherman When I was as Editor-in-Chief at IndustryWeek (IW) magazine, my kids were toddlers.  And as anybody with kids will tell you, toddlers resemble nothing more than tiny, hilarious drunks, but with significantly less common sense. They survive for two reasons: parents who worry obsessively about them, and the fact that they mysteriously bounce, instead of break. This means that most parents — including me — live through a terrifying stage of life [...]

By |June 14th, 2023|Humor|

NAFEM Helps Manufacturers Find the Data They Need to Grow

MPI Customer Spotlight: NAFEM For a manufacturing company, plugging into the power of a community of peers can be both a lifeline and a launch pad. No one knows this better than the 500 member companies of NAFEM, the North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers. These manufacturers are the foundation of the foodservice industry. As NAFEM Executive Vice President Deirdre Flynn says, “If you've had the opportunity to eat outside of your home... our members are the people making [...]

By |May 22nd, 2023|Customer Spotlight|

A 10-Year Journey: Changing Green Practices in Manufacturing

Ah, 2010. Does it feel like yesterday... or a lifetime ago? We were two years into a recession. The iPhone was a new invention. The BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, the earthquake in Haiti, the passing of the Affordable Care Act: all on people’s minds. Remember the vuvuzelas at the FIFA World Cup in South Africa? It was simpler time. Maybe. It was also the year The MPI Group started tracking data on the green practices of manufacturing plants around [...]

By |April 11th, 2023|Manufacturing, MPI Manufacturing Study, Sustainability|

Digital By Choice – or Chance? An Interview with John R. Brandt.

MPI Insight: John, you work with manufacturers around the world on digital transformation. What surprises you about what you're seeing on the ground? John: Digital transformation has been one of the fastest management revolutions we've seen in manufacturing. MPI started studying Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 adoption among manufacturers in 2015 — because 46% of US manufacturers told us in another MPI study that they had never heard of an IoT strategy. What happened next was incredible: In [...]

The Top Four Digitization Opportunities for Manufacturers in 2023

Nearly 100 manufacturers have completed the Digital Transformation for Manufacturers (DTM) online assessment, a free benchmark comparison tool that enables manufacturers to measure the digital maturity of their organizations and helps them to identify opportunities for digital transformation and profits. The data points to four critical opportunities for manufacturers: #1. Business Strategy Only 31% of manufacturers completing the Assessment have digital strategies even partially implemented. Deploying a well-designed strategy is a critical first step on the digital transformation journey. #2. [...]

By |February 20th, 2023|Benchmarking, Innovation, Internet of Things, Manufacturing|

Waste Not, Want Not: An Interview with George Taninecz

MPI Insight: MPI has been tracking green performances of manufacturers since 2010 in the MPI Manufacturing Study. What are the most interesting trends over that time? George: One interesting trend is that the growth of green in manufacturing slowed a bit in past years of the studies. Then it picked up again in our 2021 study. It appears that there's more industry awareness now, with companies recognizing that they need to get on board with green manufacturing. Some companies may be recognizing [...]

The Lean, Green Future of Manufacturing

Lean manufacturing and environmentally responsible practices go hand in hand. Why? Because lean drives plants to optimize for efficiency and relentless reduction of waste. What could be a more perfect match for green manufacturing? The MPI Group has tracked manufacturers’ use of green practices — and performance on green metrics — since 2010. We’ve found that plants using lean – and/or the related methodology of the Toyota Production System (TPS) – are more likely to use leading green practices and [...]

By |January 19th, 2023|MPI Manufacturing Study, Process Improvement, Sustainability|

The 7 Processes for Holiday Survival: Thanksgiving Edition

"There's a sale on Process Mapping, aisle 12!" At MPI, we help companies analyze seven fundamental processes that can deliver value to customers. This week we asked ourselves: Why limit ourselves to business processes when there’s another CRITICAL process in need of help — surviving the holidays! Introducing: The 7 Processes for Holiday Survival  – Thanksgiving Edition. At which of these processes are you great? At which are you ridiculously terrible? Analyze your performance now! Research and Development (R&D): Imagining, [...]

By |November 11th, 2022|Growth, Holiday, Humor, People, Process|

What’s Working? Who’s Winning? The 2025 MPI Manufacturing Study Will Tell All

If you or your clients need deep insight into global manufacturing metrics, you’ll get it in the 2025 MPI Manufacturing Study. The MPI Group has been conducting this Study since 2003, amassing one of the world’s premier databases of plant-level data. The Study offers insights into best practices and performance metrics across human resources, operations, supply chain, capacity/equipment/IT, sustainability, and other strategic functions. More than 20 different manufacturing sectors are surveyed via respondents in North America, Europe, and Asia, from [...]

Can Original Business Research Help You Boost Revenues and Profits?

You and your company have set goals for 2025 — but a month in, it’s already clear that 2025 will be a year like no other. Questions swirl around how tariffs and other trends will affect supply chains, consumers, and markets. Longstanding business relationships and practices continue to evolve. And generative artificial intelligence (AI) — or at least hope and fear about AI — is everywhere. But one thing remains constant: Your customers are looking for management and market guidance. [...]

By |February 18th, 2025|Growth, Leadership, Profit Margin, Thought Leadership|

Why Research Has Become Indispensable for Associations

  Associations need to launch new products and services to attract and retain members — and drive revenue — even as pressure increases on association leaders to do more with less.    John Brandt, CEO of MPI Group, explains how data can successfully guide associations through this challenging time in the on-demand webinar, Turning Insights into Impact: How Associations Use Data to Drive Revenue.  “Data is essential because it provides clarity,” Brandt says. “It helps you understand what’s working with members — and [...]

By |February 4th, 2025|Leadership, Profit Margin, Thought Leadership|

AI in Manufacturing: What Your Machines Can Teach… Your Other Machines

What’s the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in Industry 4.0? It’s not easy to answer. AI isn’t a single technology; it’s better described as a broad field of inquiry into the development of machines that solve problems normally solved by human intelligence (along with problems we can’t solve!). For Industry 4.0, the AI innovation with the most impact (so far) is machine learning (ML). What is ML? ML algorithms create models based on historic data that return accurate predictions when [...]

The Power (and Peril) of Parenting in the Workplace

  By John Brandt with Jenny Sherman When I was as Editor-in-Chief at IndustryWeek (IW) magazine, my kids were toddlers.  And as anybody with kids will tell you, toddlers resemble nothing more than tiny, hilarious drunks, but with significantly less common sense. They survive for two reasons: parents who worry obsessively about them, and the fact that they mysteriously bounce, instead of break. This means that most parents — including me — live through a terrifying stage of life [...]

By |June 14th, 2023|Humor|

NAFEM Helps Manufacturers Find the Data They Need to Grow

MPI Customer Spotlight: NAFEM For a manufacturing company, plugging into the power of a community of peers can be both a lifeline and a launch pad. No one knows this better than the 500 member companies of NAFEM, the North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers. These manufacturers are the foundation of the foodservice industry. As NAFEM Executive Vice President Deirdre Flynn says, “If you've had the opportunity to eat outside of your home... our members are the people making [...]

By |May 22nd, 2023|Customer Spotlight|

A 10-Year Journey: Changing Green Practices in Manufacturing

Ah, 2010. Does it feel like yesterday... or a lifetime ago? We were two years into a recession. The iPhone was a new invention. The BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, the earthquake in Haiti, the passing of the Affordable Care Act: all on people’s minds. Remember the vuvuzelas at the FIFA World Cup in South Africa? It was simpler time. Maybe. It was also the year The MPI Group started tracking data on the green practices of manufacturing plants around [...]

By |April 11th, 2023|Manufacturing, MPI Manufacturing Study, Sustainability|

Digital By Choice – or Chance? An Interview with John R. Brandt.

MPI Insight: John, you work with manufacturers around the world on digital transformation. What surprises you about what you're seeing on the ground? John: Digital transformation has been one of the fastest management revolutions we've seen in manufacturing. MPI started studying Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 adoption among manufacturers in 2015 — because 46% of US manufacturers told us in another MPI study that they had never heard of an IoT strategy. What happened next was incredible: In [...]

The Top Four Digitization Opportunities for Manufacturers in 2023

Nearly 100 manufacturers have completed the Digital Transformation for Manufacturers (DTM) online assessment, a free benchmark comparison tool that enables manufacturers to measure the digital maturity of their organizations and helps them to identify opportunities for digital transformation and profits. The data points to four critical opportunities for manufacturers: #1. Business Strategy Only 31% of manufacturers completing the Assessment have digital strategies even partially implemented. Deploying a well-designed strategy is a critical first step on the digital transformation journey. #2. [...]

By |February 20th, 2023|Benchmarking, Innovation, Internet of Things, Manufacturing|

Waste Not, Want Not: An Interview with George Taninecz

MPI Insight: MPI has been tracking green performances of manufacturers since 2010 in the MPI Manufacturing Study. What are the most interesting trends over that time? George: One interesting trend is that the growth of green in manufacturing slowed a bit in past years of the studies. Then it picked up again in our 2021 study. It appears that there's more industry awareness now, with companies recognizing that they need to get on board with green manufacturing. Some companies may be recognizing [...]

The Lean, Green Future of Manufacturing

Lean manufacturing and environmentally responsible practices go hand in hand. Why? Because lean drives plants to optimize for efficiency and relentless reduction of waste. What could be a more perfect match for green manufacturing? The MPI Group has tracked manufacturers’ use of green practices — and performance on green metrics — since 2010. We’ve found that plants using lean – and/or the related methodology of the Toyota Production System (TPS) – are more likely to use leading green practices and [...]

By |January 19th, 2023|MPI Manufacturing Study, Process Improvement, Sustainability|

The 7 Processes for Holiday Survival: Thanksgiving Edition

"There's a sale on Process Mapping, aisle 12!" At MPI, we help companies analyze seven fundamental processes that can deliver value to customers. This week we asked ourselves: Why limit ourselves to business processes when there’s another CRITICAL process in need of help — surviving the holidays! Introducing: The 7 Processes for Holiday Survival  – Thanksgiving Edition. At which of these processes are you great? At which are you ridiculously terrible? Analyze your performance now! Research and Development (R&D): Imagining, [...]

By |November 11th, 2022|Growth, Holiday, Humor, People, Process|